Rescued Fresh. Made Pure.
OKBEVCO was created to rescue delicious, gorgeous-on-the-inside fruit to make amazing, fresh fruit juices.
Imperfect Tastes Perfect.
We recognize the amount of delicious fruit rejected because of the slightest imperfections. For many, many years, large grocery chains have been selling and promoting perfect-to-look-at fruit. We've been taught that was what we should buy, and we've created a false image of what fruit should look and taste like.
At our Coldstream juicing facility, we take imperfect fruit and make amazing, quality, flavour-rich juices while reducing our food loss and giving farmers a chance to continue to grow and sell the fruits that make the Okanagan famous.
Fresh Is Best.
We know fresh tastes better, it always has. We also know fresh doesn't mean perfect, at least not in the looks department! We rescue our fruits straight from the farm, and we juice them while they're fresh. Upcycling fruits guarantees flavour, reduces food waste, and helps preserve our BC fruit farms. And don't forget how delicious these farm fresh fruit juices actually are!
Pure As Possible.
No one really likes all of the additives that are pumped into our drinks and food. And we know they don't make things taste better. That's why we put the fruit first. Our mission, our processes, and all of our equipment are designed to squeeze every last inch of natural, farm fresh flavour out of our rescued fruits. The difference is in the taste.